Fitzgerald Park | Cork, Ireland

Fitzgerald Park is listed as one of the “top” attractions here in Cork. Named after Edward Fitzgerald, a Lord Mayor of Cork, this park began as an International Exhibition site to showcase how well the city was doing. Then eventually, it became a public park; It’s very well maintained, and honestly a bit like a garden.

Theres a fair-sized pond with lily pads, with a fountain right in the centre.

(2022 Ruth: apparently, I’ve lost this photo already, sorry!)

This park is also attractive for various of other reasons, including an extremely large children’s playground, a fair-sized pond with lily pads, a stage area for local performances, a cafe, and home to Cork City Museum.

A pretty red bench! Look how picturesque this is!
A cool rock formation!
Stage/park area!

I think that if I was a kid growing up near this park, I’d think any other park was kind of boring – this kid’s park seems to be the size of 3-4 of the regular sized parks back in Toronto.

The biggest kid’s playground ever! Too bad I’m pretty sure they don’t allow *adults* to play on it :P

One thing I’m amused about is that every park in Cork seems to have a fence around it. Actually, almost all the grounds everywhere have fences around it (even the school – I guess no late night studying is allowed there?).

Lord Mayors Tea House

School is starting soon, and it’s worth noting that this park is right behind the main school building (~10-20 minutes from the buildings I will attend first year classes from). Maybe, just maybe, I’ll have a chance to visit this park again, after classes, or on weekends.

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